Arnold Milstein
Professor of Medicine at Stanford University
Dr. Milstein is nationally recognized for his leadership in discovering less costly paths to high quality health care across large populations. He is a Professor of Medicine at Stanford and directs the University’s Clinical Excellence Research Center. The Center is a collaboration of the Schools of Medicine and Engineering to design and demonstrate in multi-state locations new health care delivery models that safely lower per capita health care spending and improve patients’ experience of healthcare.
Before joining Stanford, Dr. Milstein’s career of applied research spanned private and public sector healthcare delivery and purchasing strategy. After launching a healthcare performance improvement firm subsequently acquired by Mercer and expanded globally, he co-founded two nationally influential public benefit initiatives, the Leapfrog Group and the Consumer Purchaser Alliance.
Dr. Milstein served on the faculty of UCSF’s Health Policy Institute and was appointed to a six year term as a Congressional MedPAC Commissioner. Since its inception, he has been the Medical Director of the Pacific Business Group on Health, the largest employer-led regional healthcare value improvement coalition in the U.S. Citing his nationally distinguished innovation in health care policy and healthcare delivery, Dr. Milstein was selected for the highest annual award of both the National Business Group on Health and of the American College of Medical Quality.
Elected to the National Academy of Medicine, Dr. Milstein received a BA in Economics at Harvard, MD at Tufts, and an MPH in Healthcare Evaluation at UC Berkeley.